Meydan Street, Nad al Sheba 1,
next to the Meydan Hotel,
Meydan, Dubai – UAE
+971 4 337 78 18
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Welcome to ICE school, rated "Very Good" by the KHDA - Inspection 2023-2024
Corps : Professeur des Ecole: 01/09/1998
Ancienneté de corps : 20 ans au 01/09/2018
Grade: Professeur des Ecoles de classe normale : 01/09/1998
Date de titularisation : 01/09/1999
Echelon : 10 : 01/06/2018
Position : Détachement pour enseignement à l’étranger.
Modalité de service : travail à temps plein : 01/09/1998
-Professeur des Ecoles titulaire depuis le 1er septembre 1999.
Milieu ZEP et REP
-Professeure des Ecoles Maître Formateur depuis le 1er septembre 2012, titulaire du CAFIPEMF.
Milieu REP puis école d’application
Formations suivies :
– S’approprier le langage oral et entrer dans l’écrit par le biais des albums en maternelle ; 3 semaines en 2006
– Le nombre et l’espace en situation de recherche : du faire à la pensée ; 3 semaines en 2009
– Réussir le CAFIPEMF ; 3 semaines en 2011
– Apport et découvertes en neurosciences affectives sur les développements de l’enfant ; Conférence en 2017
– Lien entre énumération, oralité et littératie ; 3 jours en 2017-2018
– Développer les compétences des formateurs : gestes et écrits professionnels ; 3 jours en 2018.
I have completed a Masters of Science in Education, along with a 100 hour TESOL/ TESL/ TEFL certification. I also hold certification with the Ontario College of Teachers and the New York State Education Department. I am confident that my education, my passion for working with young learners, and my commitment to the success of students with diverse social, cultural, and academic backgrounds will be assets to the students within your school.
I am also quite proficient at using student Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment data to drive instruction. This has helped me to continually challenge my students to reach their optimal academic success.
Throughout all my experiences, I have aimed at fostering strong connections with my students and enjoyed guiding and observing their academic growth. I also believe in the importance of creating/maintaining positive and transparent connections with the parents, so that the student feels supported at school and home. My experiences to date have helped strengthen my planning/organizational skills within the dynamics of having my own classroom. I have always implemented a reward system within my class praising good behavior. Focusing on and encouraging positive behavior while detracting attention from any negative behavior has truly helped with my classroom management skills.
Lastly, over the past few years, I have also had the opportunity to teach at the Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies for their annual Winter English Camp in South Korea. For the duration of the camp, I taught an English Debate Class using the Asian Parliamentary Debate format. Through my Debate class, I was able to increase my students’ English speaking, reading and writing skills in harmony. During this time, I also ensured that I built strong relationships and collaborated with the other teachers and staff to ensure that we were always able to serve our students to the best of our abilities.
– Professeur des Ecoles titulaire depuis le 1er septembre 2003. Milieu ZEP et REP dans la région de Paris.
– 9 ans d’enseignement dans les 3 cycles de l’école primaire.
– Professeure des Ecoles Maître Formateur depuis le 1er septembre 2012, titulaire du CAFIPEMF.
– 3 ans d’enseignement au LFI de Dubaï en cycle 2.
– 3 ans d’enseignement en école d’application en France.
Une école d’application est, en France, un établissement d’enseignement chargé d’accueillir et de former les professeurs des écoles stagiaires.
– Enseignante de CE1 et coordinatrice du cycle 2 à ICE en 2018/2019
– 2019/2020 : 17ème année d’enseignement, enseignante de CP à ICE, cycle 2.
My name is Miss Kelly-Ann and I am the English CP teacher for the 2020-2021 academic year. Throughout the year, I will be instructing students in the subjects of English, Moral Education, Science, Art, Drama, and Sports. In addition to these core subjects, I also support students in developing their understanding of community, responsibility, respect, and leadership.
I equally encourage high scholastic standards and a strong moral obligation to themselves as well as their peers. In our classroom, we will celebrate success and failure, knowing that our challenges are what help us to grow. My educational background includes a Master of teaching in Elementary Education from the University of Virginia in the United States of America. I have taught kindergarten for one year and first grade for six years.
I am proud to carry with me a classroom tradition rooted in collaboration, differentiation, and growth-mindset. Our experiences will be hands-on, student-centered, and fun to support life-long learning.
Hello my name is Jessica Strawbridge and I will be the English teacher in CE1 and CE2. I am looking forward to teaching your children this year and I am hopeful that they will make lots of progress in my class.
I am originally from Northern Ireland. My undergraduate degree is in Business Management but after a few years of working as a Teaching Assistant I decided to become a teacher. I qualified my teacher training in Nottingham, England and worked there for a couple of years. I also worked in Kuwait before moving to Dubai 2 years ago. This will be my third academic year working and living in Dubai.
You can always email me when you need anything or have any queries. I look forward to meeting you face to face soon.
Professeur des écoles depuis 6 ans, détachée de l’Education nationale.
En 2011, j’ai obtenu une licence de Lettres modernes à l’Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis. A la suite de mes études, j’ai suivi un cursus de 2 ans qui m’a permis d’obtenir un master 2 EEF (Enseignement, Education et Formation).
En 2013, j’ai réussi le concours de Professeur des écoles en France. Grâce à cela, j’ai pu enseigner dans diverses écoles de l’académie de Nice.
A présent, j’entame ma deuxième année d’enseignement à ICE Dubaï et j’ai obtenu la certification IB catégorie 1.
My name is Salwa Abdelrahman,
Arabic ALM Teacher & Head of Arabic Department. I majored in Arabic language and also studied psychology. This will be my 5th year with the ICE family, which adds up to 31 years of experience in the UAE. My number one priority is the students, to help them learn the Arabic language by increasing their interest in it. I strive to make the classroom a fun, welcoming and engaging space.
I achieve this by making sure I teach the lessons in an interesting and fun way as well as by always decorating the classroom,
I believe the physical space is as important as the content being taught. My other priority is continuously improving the department to offer the students the best possible quality of teaching and learning. When I’m not in school, I enjoy writing poetry, playing the piano and some competitive table tennis.
I’m excited for this year and everything it has to offer!
My name is Bassem Mikdash. I’m an Arabic and Islamic Teacher. I studied in Beirut Islamic University where I obtained my degree.
I did further studies and got my Master and PHD degree’s in Islamic studies in Makassed University in 2016.
I taught Islamic and Arabic for the past 15 years in different schools from Grade 1 to Grade 12 while using different work methodologies in both Dubai and Beirut.
I am glad to have your children this year in my class.
I have held this position for 17 years, within AFLEC as well as the ICE school, and this since its creation. The objective it is set to achieve is to broaden the knowledge of students and promote the morals and values of Islam that advocate tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
We are looking forward to another wonderful school year. Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself as your child’s (ALE) Arabic teacher this year from MS to 6EME.
My name is Israa Amayri and this is my third year in ICE school. I have been involved in education for twelve years teaching Arabic and English. I am from Syria and have a Diploma in Teaching English Language Damascus University.
My passion in education is using craft and art and creative games so the students can enjoy their learning time.
As a certified English Language Teacher, I have learnt the importance of communication, which cemented my eagerness to apply my skills to a linguistic and social cause. As a result, I pursued joining educational institutes that focused on the acquisition of a second language. I recognize what an important role an educator has, how it can change lives, and the profound reward received from it.
During my teaching career, I taught students from a dozen different backgrounds in Canada, UAE and remotely with China. I am also currently completing my post-graduate studies in International Education. It is a pleasure to be part of the team and I look forward to applying the skills and expertise I have to the bright minds of ICE!
Certified Robotics Trainer from Carnegie Mellon University – Pittsburgh USA
World’s best robotics coach 2019 – Houston
World’s Robotics Champion 2015 – St.Louis Missouri
UAE Robotics Champion 2019, 2018 and 2017
Arab Robotics Champion 2013 – 2014
10+ teaching years experience
Trained more than 45 nationalities in 3 different languages: English, French and Arabic.
Bonnie Woolley, chef de chœur et enseignante, dirige des chorales amateurs et professionnelles depuis l’âge de 17 ans. Diplômée en musique et en didactique des langues – anglais et français langues étrangères – (B.A., M.A., D.E.A.) elle a enseigné la musique, le FLE et l’ALE dans des établissements très variés, depuis l’école élémentaire jusqu’à l’université.
Elle est formatrice professionnelle, et intervient auprès d’enseignants et d’entreprises. Elle est chargée de la formation des enseignants en chant chorale par l’Éducation nationale (France, EAU) et a coordonné de nombreux festivals de musique et projets inter-degrés.
Ms. Marilyn is the new English teacher for Grade 1, classes A and B. Last year Ms. Marilyn taught English to EFL students in Grade 2 at ICE, and she also taught English Challenge for gifted students in grades 1 to 4. Prior to joining ICE she worked for the United Nations, in child-centred programs. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, and a Master’s from the University of London. In addition to this Marilyn is CELTA Level 5-certified. She is a native of Washington D.C.
With 20 years of teaching experience, Ascension MORENO, full school teacher, happily joined ICE in January 2022. After practicing in France, she had the opportunity to work in French high schools in the international. She masters the EN programs, adapted to trilingual classes for French-speaking students or for whom French is the foreign language. His teaching is based on two axes: setting up an educational follow-up of individualized and benevolent students, and the construction of knowledge through projects, a way for students to flourish and participate by developing their creativity, their autonomy, cooperation and their desire to learn. Teaching is a passion that fills her with happiness and she puts all her energy at the service of the success of her students, regularly keeping abreast of the latest discoveries in neuroscience to adapt the rhythm of the class with innovative pedagogies.
My name is Petro Venter.
I am a university qualified BCom teacher with a 4 year degree specializing in Math and English. I have been teaching in Dubai for 4 years. My professional development includes an International TEFL in Business English as well.
Kindest regards
After a master’s degree in literature obtained at the Sorbonne Paris and a theatrical training at Cours Florent Paris, I began my teaching career first in the Paris region before moving to the USA and the UAE.
My certificates, and years of experience in education qualifies me to be part of the exciting tutoring team of ICE School!
If you see a new face around, well, that’s me:) We can chat about religions, literature, or any other discussion that can be interesting and benefiting
I come from the UK, and my background is in teaching English to speakers of other languages, of which I pursued my MA in last year from King’s College London. Before ICE, I have teaching experience, with teaching at a lycée in France for a year, as well as teaching English to speakers of other languages at a university in the UK. I look forward to teaching your children this year, and seeing what we can achieve together.
I have 5 years of teaching experience in South Africa, 4 years in Abu Dhabi and this is my second year with ICE.
I’m passionate about bilingualism and very experienced in working in a multicultural and multilingual environment.
I discovered the field of teaching later in my career while teaching middle school art and kindergarten drama and painting, and I find it so stimulating and fulfilling to accompany the evolution of students in their vivid expressions.
During my 18 years of teaching experience, I have been able to be:
– referent of 2 classes of CP
– cycle 2 coordinator
-pilot class for a new teaching method for mathematics
-initiator of various projects around daily physical activity, French and science…
I am happy to be able to pass on to your children my passion for the French language and share my different experiences.
I was also a lawyer at the Paris Bar before taking the teaching competition.
It must be said, in the end, that I have always felt that teaching was my vocation, and I look forward to investing my abilities and my ambitions with the students of GS ‘C’.
This is my 1st year at ICE and I am happy to continue communicating my passion for the language and culture of Cervantes in an international environment. I master 4 languages: French, Spanish, Arabic and English. I hope that we can work together for the good of our students who represent our center of interest. I wish you an excellent start to the new school year and see you soon!
I am from Paris and I hold a Master’s Degree in Education. I have been teaching French in Europe, Asia and the Middle-East.
With my experience and credentials, I am prepared and excited to dedicate myself to the highest standards of French instruction at ICE.
The leitmotif of my professional journey has always been to accompany, support and value, with ethics, students as individuals in their uniqueness but also as members of a community. With tenacity and conviction – around the Republican values of equal opportunity, inclusion and respect for others – I have endeavored to promote their personal well-being, their social development, their academic success and thus prepare them for better for their future life as adults and citizens. In this, they have been – and will remain – the cornerstone of my professional commitment.
I’ve been teaching for 8 years and I love to see these little ones develop over time.
I’m very passionate about building a relationship with my students and can’t wait to grow with them this year.
I am delighted to be able to teach in Grande section again within the ICE Dubai team.
After graduating as a school teacher in France, I went to Ireland in Dublin with my family. I worked as a French teacher at the Alliance Française in Dublin for 12 years in Irish primary schools. The last two years, I joined the team of the French International School of Ireland to teach in Grande Section. I am delighted to be able to teach in Grande section again within the ICE Dubai team.
I am happy to be your child’s teacher this year, I am sure we will learn a lot and have loads of fun together!
I am new to ICE, and will be using the French Curriculum, but with IB concepts and instruction. I often use carpet time to reinforce reading and various language skills, which in turn encourages critical thinking and inclusive learning.
I would like to ask parents to be involved in assisting me with homework – making sure that students complete tasks to the best of their abilities. It is an important role to improve arts and science skills.
We will be using ‘Literacy Planet,’ and reading with summary writing to strengthen literacy skills, as well as investigating and following the scientific method.
I am committed to providing students with necessary tools to achieve academic goals whilst instilling a love of learning and xo-operative teamwork.
Best regards
My name is Virginie PLUMEJEAU. I had the opportunity to teach the French language in different schools around the world such as in Bahrain and Mozambique. I am very happy to have joined the teaching team of ICE this year. This experience promises to be more than enriching for us teachers, but also for all our students!
My name is Saleem Khan. I am from Quetta, Pakistan. I did my Masters in Physics specialization in Electronics. I did my Bachelors in Physics and Mathematics.
I have been in Education for the last 34 years. I have taught Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Physics to IGCSE and A-level. My students have achieved both nationwide and worldwide distinctions in their CIE exams. I will be teaching IGCSE Mathematics.
Surname and Name: SELLIER Kate
Language you are teaching: English Language (bilingue)
Class you are teaching / or subject: English/French Boosters – Talented Students Program
My family is bilingual and bicultural French American. I followed the French education in France up to a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing. I also attended high school for 2 years in New Jersey (USA – American curriculum).
My teaching qualifications are a PGCE (with Merit) – Post Graduate Certificate of Education: University of Nottingham, and in November 2022 I completed the Master of Education in Special Educational Needs with Middlesex University of Dubai.
I currently am training in Applied Behaviour Analysis to further my skills for supporting all children’s variety in learning styles, needs and potentials.
In the past 4 years I taught the Primary French curriculum in CE1 and CE2 (Grades 2 and 3), the American Curriculum in KG1 (Lead Teacher), English and French as a foreign language.
I am very excited to hold these new roles for my second year in ICE school. It is my passion to nurture, inclusively, our students’ learning and development within ICE’s international and fully bilingual setting.
I have 2 years experience working with KG students. I am working as an Arabic teacher for MS and GS. My role is to deliver to the students the Arabic language in a fun and easy way using lots of songs, activities and flash cards.
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